NaNoWriMo Day 8 Update

So, I’ve been slacking. Though being married with three kids, working, and going to college full time is my very valid excuse.


I’m sitting at 8,961 words and working my way through the fourth chapter of An Uncommon Motive. Sadly when this chapter is finished I will not be posting it, so if you’ve been following along let me know what you think so far, and I will post excerpts here and there as I move along in the story.

My goal for today is to pass 10k and be on the way to catching up.

How are your attempts coming along? Let me know in the comments!

As always, thanks for reading.


NaNoWriMo Day 5 Update

Hello all.

If you’re still here I suppose I should entertain you…

Here’s me doing an acoustic cover of David Guetta’s Titanium for your viewing pleasure. Maybe it’ll inspire you, maybe my voice will scare you away, who knows.

Anyways, I’ve called it a night early on day 5, I mostly did research and took notes today for only 1,200 words today and a grand total of 7,477 words.

Also, I officially made the decision to no longer post more chapters I have written since we are getting to the juicy bits. If you haven’t already check out what I have written so far under the NaNoWriMo 2015 tab. Here’s the Prologue to get you started.

As always, thanks for

NaNoWriMo Day 4 Update!

Day four, and another day of catch up! But every word is one step closer to a finished piece. 1,500 words today for a grand total of 6,262! Chapter Three is in the link below.

As I get farther into my story I am realizing there will come a point where I can no longer post my novel without giving too much of the story away.


Sadly, Chapter Four will likely be that point. Enjoy it while it lasts if you’re following along!

Keep chugging along WriMo’s, 26 days left to go!

NaNoWriMo Day 2!

Go check out Chapter One of An Uncommon Motive, my NaNoWriMo novel attempt at the link below. It may look similar to the excerpt I posted before but I assure you it is very different and includes more details this time.

I made it closer to the 1,667 words per day goal this time, but not quite, for a total of 2700 words so far. Even if I don’t make it to 50k by November 30, my goal is to not stop until I’ve blasted through at least 50k. Cheer me on, and if you’re participating let me know how it’s coming so far!

Thanks for reading, Jake.

NaNoWriMo Day 1!

Day 1 is over and after spending most of the day with family I managed to still get 1200 words in. Off to a rocky start but it’s coming along nicely I’d like to think.

Let me know what you think, and to all the other NaNos out there, good luck to you! The link to the prologue of An Uncommon Motive is below.